Every quarter we ask members to complete a Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) form which helps us to build a picture of the economic trends affecting business in Hampshire. The first QES for 2025 has now gone live! Click here to fill in and have your say! The Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) is a clear example of how being part of a local Chamber of Commerce means you are part of something bigger. The QES is Britain’s biggest, and longest-running, private business survey which has provided consistent data since 1989, and regularly receives more than 7,000 business responses. It is a leading indicator often picking up big changes in the economy long before other surveys or official statistics. So please join us in this very worth while effort as it really does take just 5 minutes or less to complete. When the survey is live, you can complete the survey here. A few more interesting facts:
View our QES blogs

BCC Quarterly Economic Survey: Business Conditions Stall As Tax Anxiety Grows
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