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We’re proud to have partnered with the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) and offer health plans exclusively available to BCC accredited and affiliated Chamber member organisations.

Westfield Health

AXA Health

Diabetes Welfare

Westfield Health

In an ideal world, we’d all be ‘well beings’. Unfortunately, the pressures of work and life mean we’re not always able to achieve this. In the real world, it’s often difficult to determine who is a well being and who isn’t. Someone may look like they’re coping really well, but the reality could be far different. That’s why Westfield Health have extended their offering from health cash plans and surgery choices to provide a more holistic approach, taking care of employees in both body and mind. Here are just some of the ways Westfield Health can help you to take care of your most important asset, your staff:

Exclusively available to BCC accredited and affiliated member organisations of all sizes, the Chamber Primary Health Plan starts from just £6.13 per employee, per month and allows staff to claim money back, up to set limits, for things like sight tests and glasses, dental bills, therapy treatments and consultations. The plan also provides access to health and wellbeing services including:

  • DoctorLine™ service providing policyholders with confidential telephone access to a practising UK GP, 24 hours a day – every day, from anywhere in the world, with optional webcam consultations
  • Best Doctors®- expert second medical opinion service
  • Scanning Service – MRI, CT and PET scans
  • 24hr Advice and Information Line and up to 6 face to face counselling sessions (including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – CBT)

You can view the full benefit table and pricing here.

Surgery Choices makes private surgery and medical treatment more affordable and accessible so staff can be treated quicker and back in the workplace sooner. Employees will have access to prompt private medical treatment for a whole range of conditions (excluding heart and cancer). With immediate cover for new conditions and fast access to fixed price private treatment packages, cover starts from just £5.83 per employee, per month. There’s one price for all (prices aren’t age related) and premiums won’t increase with claims. Health Calendar or The Wellbeing Plan online resource centre. Choose between two ready-made annual wellbeing engagement programmes depending on whether you prefer an online or an offline solution. Both provide targeted promotions to engage your staff in improving their health and wellbeing. Your Chamber membership gives you access to a 25% discount on the standard pricing for the Health Calendar or The Wellbeing Plan online resource centre and prices start from just £412.50 + VAT for businesses with up to 10 employees.

  • With 24 topics to choose from, you choose the 12 topics that best meet the needs of your organisation for your annual health calendar
  • Each month you’ll receive a communication pack which includes campaign announcement text and weekly promotional top-tip messages to keep the campaign alive – all you have to do is send out the communications
  • Your monthly communication pack will include three fact sheets, a poster and a support leaflet signposting your people to national support agencies associated with the topic
  • Select your programme from the 16 topics available. Each has a video, podcast, factsheets and personal training plan
  • Each month we’ll send you text to announce the topic of the month, along with weekly top-tip messages to keep the campaign alive and drive engagement with the website
  • You’ll have access to a real-time dashboard providing engagement statistics
  • You can use the website as a resource to support the delivery of your other health and wellbeing initiatives throughout the year
  • Employees have unlimited access to the website, accessible from work or home
  • Health and lifestyle screening days
  • Wellbeing Workshops
  • Dial up seminars (webinars)
  • Lifestyle coaching days
  • Mental Health First Aid Training Courses….and more.

AXA Health

AXA Health

Business healthcare cover

At AXA Health, we know that your people are your greatest asset. Offering healthcare cover shows your employees that you really value what they do for you. That you’re ready to invest in their health and wellbeing – and in getting them back on their feet again if they become unwell.

Healthcare cover can help to provide you with peace of mind that your team’s health and wellbeing is being looked after, so you can focus on your business.

Find out more about our offers for Chamber members:

T – 0800 389 7413

Diabetes Welfare

Employees Living with diabetes?

We know that living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes can be challenging, Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation offers a 25% reduction to all Chamber Members joining their Wellness Network. This provides a monthly newsletter, quarterly good health pocket diary, diabetes information leaflets, a diabetes awareness necklace, medical check-up card and discounted rates for DRWF educational events.

The Diabetes Wellness News is an eight page newsletter packed full of the most up to date research findings, personal stories along with regular recipes and readers’ offers. You will be joining a like-minded community, so you don’t have to face diabetes on your own!

All this for just £15 per year. Join today by visiting the website or by calling Debra on 02392 636131.

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