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Green Economy and Governance

Bridging the gap between business and sustainability

Green Skills Panel at Unlocking Hampshire's Green Potential 2024

Hampshire Chamber of Commerce is working with a broad partnership of businesses to deliver relevant content, information and advice for those who are wishing to become greener and more sustainable.

Benefits of becoming an eco friendly business

Putting your green commitments at the heart of strategic business plans and incorporating them into your business objectives provides real benefits, from the monetary to the reputational and beyond.

A sustainable business has three bottom lines (the 3 Ps): people, planet and profit. The main driver for any business wishing to become sustainable should always be to protect the environment and the health of local communities. They can do this by reducing waste, minimising carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency.

However, there are also many commercial reasons why sustainability should be a priority as it helps to:

  • Improve brand image and reputation
  • Increase employee retention and aid recruitment
  • Increase productivity and reduce costs
  • Get ahead of the curve

Ideas for businesses to become more eco friendly

– Go paperless > instead rely on software (paperless billing, digital docs)

– Associate businesses with green vendors/local suppliers (think local)

– Change lightbulbs to more efficient options

– Replace outdated equipment

– Use biodegradable cleaning products

– Let employees work from home

– Educate, educate the employees within a company on what they could personally be doing to be ‘more green’

– Use green web hosting services

– Create a green space, include houseplants.

– Make charitable contributions

– Host events such as tree planting/community gardening etc

– Sustainable travel – travel to work scheme

– Turn it off – every night turn all appliances and equipment off

Need to be careful not to appear as though companies are greenwashing and instead commit to making a real difference in the community.

The 5 Step Green Plan

Some businesses may feel they want to start taking steps towards becoming an eco friendly businesses, however feel lost and don’t know where to start. Creating a 5 stage plan for businesses to follow to increase their sustainable practises, will allow businesses to start making small but considerable changes to their business.

This could look something like:
1. Improve the office space for employees, slowly turn the office into a
green space. This could be buying houseplants to clean the air, increasing
natural light by opening up the windows and painting the walls a light
colour etc.
2. Going paperless, including paperless billing and digital documents to
avoid wasted paper.
3. Change all light bulbs in offices to eco-friendly LED’s or motion sensor
4. Using green web hosts, such as Ecosia.
5. Create an action plan to ensure all lights/electrical items are being
turned off each and every night to save power.

Allowing a space for businesses to come and receive advice, talk over the changes they are making and sharing any positive results of these changes.

Upcoming Events

Following last year’s phenonemal success, watch out for details of this year’s Unlocking Hampshire’s Green Potential!




Useful Reports

Building Sustainable Futures for UK Businesses

This paper is part of a series of five policy areas which develop realistic recommendations for the future of the UK economy, and fresh and compelling proposals for government.

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