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Youth Skills Development

Invest in Youth Skills to Future-Proof the Workforce

A ‘stable and coherent’ skills strategy is needed to prepare young people for the world of work, according to first ever British Chambers of Commerce Youth Skills Manifesto. The manifesto, sponsored by the leading online secondary school King’s InterHigh, identifies the crucial role of employers

Chambers Lead Successful Start to Local Skills Plans

Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) across England “are working and beginning to make positive differences for local employers”, according to a new report commissioned by the British Chambers of Commerce.     Based on evidence from 21 of the 32 chamber led LSIPs, the evaluation report

Northern Ireland ‘Windsor Framework’

Hampshire Chamber Chief Executive and Executive Chairman Ross McNally responds to Northern Ireland ‘Windsor Framework‘ and said: “Businesses will welcome the compromise opportunity agreed between the UK and EU to finally solve the damage to Northern Irish trade and market access caused by Brexit. “The

Unicorn Hunting – Let’s Talk About Recruitment

Let’s talk about recruitment. We’ve been fortunate here at QFactorial to have weathered the storms of the last few years. It would be a good time to bandy around the terms ‘agile’ and ‘pivoting’ or perhaps ‘unprecedented’, the buzz words surrounding growth have come thick